Project 1Warman Design
Build Competition

Trans-national Engineering Competition

a picture of Yasmene smiling
A picture of Yazz with Warman robot


The aim of the competition was to build a robot that could efficiently deliver specific payloads into the pylons pictured, before returning behind the marked line. The robot was not allowed to touch the ground beyond the black line.

Technical Details

I was the team leader, responsible for organising the team to ensure all members met deadlines. I also designed and fabricated mechanical and electronic configurations on the robot. These skills included the use of hand tools, laser cutting and soldering. Our robot designs went through 3 iterations, each of which required extensive prototyping and testing.


Our robot was able to effectively deliver all payloads. It represented the University of Technology Sydney at the 2021 Warman Design and Build Competition hosted by Weir Minerals, we did not win the competition, but were awarded a cash prize by the university.

Project 2My Dog's
Greatest Challenge

Engineering Project

Picture of the dog


My dog is extremely intelligence and always motivated to try new challenges. My aim for this project was to push my technical skills to create a challenge for him, allowing me to focus on integrated systems design alongside mechanical designs for animals. The aim was to replicate a 3 balls, 1 cup game in which my dog has to guess which box contained a treat by pressing buttons. Sound would indicate if he was correct/incorrect.

Technical Details

The project was created and coded with an Arduino, associated electronics, soldering and 3D printing. The system compiled 3 subsystems: user input interface, movement & actuation, and display & output. This included an animal acting interface (buttons and moving platforms to deliver treats) and human interfaces (RFID scanner to lock the system, LCD display for treat location and serial monitor interface to change settings such as button press requirements).


I achieved 95% in the subject and successfully delivered a live presentation of the system with my dog.

Project 3Computer Vision

Current Project



The aim of this project is for our team to develop a computer vision-based project that will integrate the functionality of a single circuit PCB to identify electronic components and place them on a GUI (graphical user interface).

Technical Details

This project is currently in progress. The single circuit board is an Okdo Rock (similar to a Raspberry Pi) and will be programmed in Python. My primary role in the team is concerned with the computer vision aspect. I am currently coding a colour recognition program in python to recognise the colour bands of a resistor to compute its resistance value.


In progress.

Project 43D Printing

Current Project


For my honours project, I am assigned to develop a 3D printing method for a conductive patch to convert mechanical movements to electrical signals. This patch will be placed on the bone structures of people with cerebral palsy or other disabilities to monitor alignment and posture, which can lead to serious late stage interventions if not corrected.

Technical Details

This project requires me to harness 3 years of 3D printing experience to effectively design and fabricate a flexible patch to measure these signals. I will develop chemical processes to creating β€˜ink’ for additive manufacturing, which I will subsequently print.


In progress

Project 5BCII Capstone

Final Project on Constructive Discourse

a picture of final report


My cumulative project for BCII was aimed at addressing the inability of individuals to engage in healthy constructive discourse. Our team worked on strategies to educate others on healthy discourse in close conjunction with Next25 and independent think-and-do tank.

Technical Details

Significant research across a variety of mediums was required to develop an appropriate and lasting solution. A variety of creative techniques, stakeholder interviewers and user testing enabled our team to create valid solutions.


A curriculum-based workshop was developed with the intention of integration into the BCII degree. This workshop may be implemented for future cohorts.

Project 6Venues NSW

Our team at the SCG displaying our final presentation

a picture of Yasmene smiling


In the final year of my second degree, we were required to work in a transdisciplinary team alongside an industry company as consultants to design and present solutions to real world problems. Our team worked with Venues NSW, who wanted to diversify stadium attendance, with the aim of attracting a younger, female audience.

Technical Details

I was one of the leaders within the team, organising and prompting discussion. A variety of creative techniques such as crazy 8s, ignorance mapping and persona development were used to analyse the problem space for solutions. MATLAB was employed for data analysis of survey results to regroup the data into different categories better fitting our research.


Our team presented 3 interventions to the Venues NSW team: stadium movie cinema, use of branded spaces and influencer engagement; to boost younger audience engagement. The latter 2 of these propositions are currently implemented at Allianz Stadium.

Project 7This Website

Coded from scratch

a picture of Yasmene smiling


My aim for this project was to find a creative and accessible means of presenting my projects, whilst simultaneously learning new programming skills.

Technical Details

I coded the website with a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Skills which I have implemented in subsequently jobs and subjects.


Click around and see for yourself 😊.