Hi, I am Yasmene Placer

Engineering Student

a picture of Yasmene smiling

Who am I?

Mechanical Engineering Student

Mechanical engineering has provided me with technical skills and equipped me with the tools to successfully problem solve. Engineering has developed my passion for designing, creating and building through a variety of projects.

Creative Intelligence & Innovation (BCII) Student

My BCII studies have provided a pathway through which I have developed into a transdisciplinary practitioner. This allows me to draw upon skills external to my field of study and to work seamlessly with others.

Problem Solver & Life-long Learner

Problem solving, team sport and reading has fuelled my passion for life-long learning, from experiences, people or literature. I always strive to improve and will tackle all challenges with gusto and curiosity.

My Projects

About Me

A brief engineering story

I am a final year mechanical engineering and creative intelligence and innovation (BCII) student, who is passionate about sustainability, problem solving, life-long learning and sport. I currently work at an up-and-coming battery company alongside my studies. My job has allowed me to implement my engineering repertoire, consequently I have discovered a passion for both hands-on work and coding, which allows for a wholistic view of prototype development through to data analysis.

As an avid reader, I consider myself open-minded, a trait which propelled me to choose engineering and BCII as my degrees. My career goal is to choose jobs that allow consistent learning opportunities and are accommodating for a wide variety of skills. I enjoy jobs that are challenging as they broaden my perspective and readily engage me.

The current highlights of my educational and early professional career include representing UTS at the Warman Design and Build competition, completing internships for each of my degrees and creating a gamified robot for my dog.

Yasmene sitting with a project

My Projects

Click an image to go to my projects page